

Fri, 06 Nov 2020 08:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 06 Nov 2020 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    Since 2017, the International Design Forum Chengdu has been successfully held by iF, which shared innovative insights as well as forward-looking design thinking process of international experts. At the same time, it also received positive feedback and inputs from the active participation of key players well connected in the Chengdu academic community and the industry.

    德国 iF DESIGN 自 2017 以来成功举办iF成都国际创意设计论坛,分享国际专家之创新洞见与前瞻性设计思维,获得成都学界及业界热烈支持和参与,每年将最新的设计观点与思维于成都创意设计周中与各界分享。

    In 2020, the forum will cover two main topics - "Design Trends in Digital Age" and "Digital Business Innovation" and will be summarized with a design panel discussion. At the same time, iF design center Chengdu, as the sub-venue of Chengdu Creativity & Design Week, will hold theme exhibitions and organize innovative design related activities during the event week.

    第四届成都国际创意设计论坛定于 2020 年 11 月 6 日举行。本届论坛之议题聚焦为“数字化”,规划出三个板块:分别探讨 “数字化设计趋势” 与 “数字化商业创新” ,并以设计沙龙作为总结;创意设计周期间并同步于iF成都设计中心展出最新得奖作品,喜好设计的朋友不容错过。

    Three Sessions of the Forum


    Session 1 议题一

    Design Trends in Digital Age


    The very experts from different industries will give speeches on digital innovation in various design aspects and discuss how information technology in the digital age changes design trends and how to use the advantages of digital technologies to boost the industries effectively.


    Session 2 议题二

    Digital Business Innovation


    Speeches from the invited guests will focus on the digital innovation of various industries. To discuss how to use science and new technologies to bring convenience and possibilities in design and present with a new style and trend.


    Panel Discussion 专家对谈


    Panel Discussion: Digital Age - Design Trends & Business Innovation

    The final summary of the forum will be a panel discussion, in which the seven speakers will gather and have in-depth conversations on the themes of the previous sessions and interact with the audience.


    The Agenda 活动议程



    The Speakers 嘉宾介绍


    Abstract 讲题介绍




    New Design Thinking for Digital Generation 


    In the past, design was regarded as a kind of "shaping technology" to transform meaning into tangible goods to meet the "public demands". With the rapid development of new high-tech, the Internet has connected thousands of households, and the Internet of Things has connected everything. All demands and decisions can be made at the moment of thought when sliding on the screen. Although the effect of traditional design is still maintained, there is a greater need for a kind of "creative thinking"  need that can manage "individual thinking" in the digital age. Design thinking is not only the expression of customer-oriented and people-oriented empathy, but also it is more important to create an ideal product service system through design that people can take the initiative to realize the needs and pursue value in design thinking direction. Design has quietly developed from the physical, physiological and other explicit aspects toward the psychology and philosophy. In the next stage of design, it will be closer to the sensation (iFEEL) and philosophy (iTHINK) with the core of "Yishu".

    以往,设计被视为是一种将意义转换为有形商品以满足 “大众需求” 的 “造形技术” 。随新高科技光速发展,互联网串起千家万户,物联网连起万事万物,所有需求决策都在滑动屏幕,念头闪过的那一瞬间。尽管传统设计功效依然维持,数字世代中更需要一种能够管理 “个众思维” 的 “创念意术” 。设计思维不仅是以客为尊、以人为本的同理心表现,更重要的是透过设计创建理想产品服务系统之后,让人们主动地往设计思考方向去意识需求及追求价值。设计已悄然地从物理、生理等外显层面,往心理与哲理方向发展,下阶段的设计学,将更趋近于以  “意术” 为核心的感觉学(iFEEL)及理哲学(iTHINK)。


    Yassu Nishioka


    Sony Design's Approach in Digital Age 


    Sony, as a creative entertainment company, was founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita in 1946. Since its founding, Sony has taken on numerous challenges while sending many products and services out to the world. Through the fusion of technology and design, Sony design continues to create new standards and evolve them in diverse areas of electronics, AI/robotics, entertainment and their services with innovative technology. Insights on design trends and digital innovations, Sony’s collaboration between engineers and designers, as well as its wide range of technologies, all brings light to the question; how can designers translate digital technology? Sony Design’s approach stems from the concept of translating technology to create emotional value. Efforts related to this approach include the latest Sony Design projects.

    索尼,作为创意娱乐公司,由 Masaru Ibuka 和 Akio Morita 于 1946 年创立。自成立以来,索尼在向世界输出产品和服务的同时,也面临着诸多挑战。通过技术和设计的融合,索尼设计不断创造新的标准,并通过技术创新在电子、人工智能 / 机器人、娱乐及其服务的各个领域不断发展。对设计趋势和数字创新的洞察,索尼工程师和设计师之间的合作,以及其广泛的技术手段,都给这个问题带来了启示:设计师如何诠释数字技术?索尼设计的做法源于转化技术以创造情感价值的理念。目前这种做法大量地应用于索尼设计最新的项目。

    Kyle Hsiao.jpg



    Design-Driven to Reshape the Brand 


    The driving force behind Chinese brands has undergone various stages. It starts with Apple’s brand construction, which upholds the design driven philosophy. In China, over the years, vivo as a smart phone company, has built up its product portfolio through the importation of design driven strategy. Conforming to the design driven business model of the speaker, vivo is showing a shift from Styling to Problem Solving, and towards Strategy and Framing phase of development.

    中国品牌驱动力发展经历了不同阶段,由苹果的品牌塑造牵引出以设计为导向的产品开发理念。其中,vivo 近年来的产品积累体现出该品牌初步演变为设计驱动型企业,符合演讲者的设计驱动商业模型,从 Styling(造型),到 Problem Solving (解决问题),再逐渐向 Strategy(战略)及最终的 Framing (框架)阶段进化。




    “Industry + Intelligence” Experience Design Exploration 

    行业 + 智能体验设计探索 

    Artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly. With the support of AI technology, more and more innovative intelligent applications are deployed in various industries. Huawei UCD Center has many successful design cases in industrial intelligent applications, demonstrating novel user experience with AI.

    Through sharing the design of Traffic Intelligent Twins, this presentation will introduce how “Industry + Intelligence” experience design is implemented, and how it is different from traditional product design. Meanwhile, the design trends and design methods about “Industry + Intelligence”, and what the experience of smart products might be like will also be discussed.

    当下,人工智能快速发展,各行业借助 AI 技术的创新智能应用也越来越多,华为 UCD 中心在行业智能应用上也有许多成功的设计案例,展示了 AI 技术使能不同行业后所带来的全新体验。

    通过智能交通体验设计的分享介绍了行业 + 智能的体验设计是如何进行的,与传统的产品体验设计有何不同。同时也思考总结了一些关于行业 + AI 的设计趋势和设计思路,未来行业智能产品的体验可能会是什么样子……

    Fabian Furrer




    New digital technologies are poised to drive significant change and transform business in unpredictable ways. This digital evolution welcomes us with the promise of intelligent interfaces and hyper-intuitive cognitive capabilities that greatly enhance our digital experience and reality. 

    What will design (the designer) of the future look like?

    Will designers become one with machines, and act as agents (only) that simply produces mutations in the artificial world? Or, do we do amazing things - together with technology, and provide insights and inspirations that lead to tomorrow’s creative and social intelligent possibilities? The profession of design is in between ‘utopia and oblivion’; and only if humans and technology work together, they can do ‘unimaginable shapes’ (figuratively speaking) that neither could do alone. 

    Selected prime example of this sort of design-meets-tech will illustrated exciting opportunities of intelligent services and platforms of our future, and systems that help us augment our creativity, our relationships with the world, and our humanity. 


    未来的设计(设计师)会是什么样?设计者是否会与机器合而为一?是充当简单的设计机器?还是,我们转变思想与技术一起做奇妙的事情,提供完美的洞察和灵感,从而引领未来的创造力和社交智慧?设计专业介于 “乌托邦和遗忘” 之间,只有人类与技术共同努力,他们才能做出 “难以想象的创造” ,这是任何一个人都无法做到的。




    Design Toughts on Design Trends & Business  in Digital Age 


    The world is changing rapidly, but the digitization of all walks of life is a relatively definite direction. From traditional industry design to modern industriy design and thento Internet+, design developed from service manufacturing to products to commerce to ecology, the roles and capabilities of designers are constantly updated and iterated. Design is essentially a subject of translation. It seeks innovative directions within the boundaries of technology, and adheres to the original intention of serving users to polish products. Users are willing to pay for the value of design and design ultimately adds value to commercialization. In addition to polishing the product experience to improve product value and user stickiness, it is also necessary to think about how to adorn products to reach as many users as possible. As a platform, we will think about how to ensure that the standard of experience can be replicated, enable ecology, realize rapid digitization, and enhance people's happiness in work and life.

    世界在急剧变化,在瞬息万变的环境下各行各业的数字化是相对确定的方向。从传统工业设计到现代工业设计再到互联网+ ,设计从服务制造业到产品到商业再到生态,设计师的角色和能力边界也在不断更新迭代。设计本质上是一门翻译学,在技术边界里寻找创新方向,坚持服务用户的初心打磨产品,用户愿意为设计价值埋单,最终为商业化增值。除了打磨产品体验提升产品价值和用户粘性,还要思考如何包装产品触达尽可能多的用户。作为平台,思考如何确保体验的标准可复制,赋能生态,实现快速数字化,提升人们工作、生活的幸福感。



    首席设计师 / 副总裁

    Digital Education Design 


    How to make good use of digital advantages and the thinking of network information to design and develop a new generation of teaching platform and teaching content, to provide more advantages, more fair, more attractive, more effective, more personalized education products.




    EOL 上海东方线上|策略总监

    ​As an old saying : good design comes from good insight; but where does that good insight come from? 


    Design is not only a design, but a comprehensive thinking that improves life and environment. All of these are not only based on the insight and understanding of human needs, but also an impact power that does not adapt to the environment but creates a new environment - which is the driving force for continuous progress. However the real world is extremely complex, and the design challenges are not always clear. Therefore, how to effectively define key issues through numerical (quantitative) and contextual (qualitative) analysis has become an important preliminary work in design. We look forward to bringing you more design inspiration with the sharing from EOL today.


    “2020 年 iF 成都国际创意设计论坛” 入场劵即日起于活动行网站上贩售 —— iF 邀请对设计创意有兴趣的爱好者、企业主、管理阶层、设计师、设计院校师生等各界人士踊跃报名,共同参与和国际一流专家交流的盛会!


      专业人士                           全日 ¥ 250

    学生                                  全日 ¥ 80

      团体票 (五人及以上)        ¥ 200 / 每人

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    1. 论坛仅售全日票,5人及以上可购买团体优惠票。

    2. 本页面为官方购票通道。

    3. 论坛当日将于会场外设置 “活动行专业票签到处”,“媒体与团体票签到处”,“学生优惠票签到处” 与会者需携带电子票凭证(或将电子票储存于手机内)和工作人员核对报名信息后换取实体票证后入场。

    4. 现场换取实体票证论坛为有效场次內自由进出的凭证,请妥善保管。

    5. 学生优惠票数量有限,购票流程如下:

       ①  将学生证有效证件页拍照并邮件发送至 joe.xiao@ifdesign.asia 或 ken.chen@ifdesign.asia,邮件主题为“报名2020年iF成都国际设计论坛+学生优惠票”,并在邮件内注明购票活动行ID或手机号码

      ②  工作人员审核完毕后会在活动行后台批准审核,票价将自动变更为学生优惠价

      ③  学生再次登录活动行报名页面完成付款

      ④  论坛当日前往会场外的“学生签到处”凭借电子票凭证,扫码验票并换取实体票证后即可入场

    6. 所有票种售出后,不可退票,但可自行安排转让。转让时,请将转让人及受让人的信息(姓名、电话、邮箱等)邮件至  joe.xiao@ifdesign.asia 或 ken.chen@ifdesign.asia

    7. 如需开具发票,请将发票信息(抬头与税号)、报名编号、金额以及收件邮箱以邮件形式提供至 joe.xiao@ifdesign.asia,主办方在核对完毕信息后,将于论坛结束后一个月内统一开立电子发票,且仅能提供电子发票。

    8. 主办方保留调整活动的权力,如活动遭遇不可抗力因素而有所临时更动,我们将以购票者权益为优先考量。

    9. 若需洽谈媒体合作,请洽 ken.chen@ifdesign.asia

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    • JESSI 4年前

      邮件说 报名已取消,发送学生证到邮件。是等审核吗



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